
VEGA – Windows WebDAV client software for VG-Sync 2 Cloud Storage

VEGA - Windows WebDAV client software for VG-Sync 2 Cloud Storage

VEGA - Windows WebDAV client software for VG-Sync 2 Cloud Storage

    - You can start to use VEGA immediately after its installation.

    - You can get some support for VEGA from us because VEGA is our original software.

    - You can assign drive letter regarding using VEGA.

    - You can edit*2 Microsoft Office file*1 on VG-Sync 2 Cloud Storage directly from VEGA installed on Windows PC.

    - You can connect VEGA to any Cloud Storage (WebDAV) if available.

*1: Our support for VEGA is available only with Word / Excel / Powerpoint for Windows Office 2010 / 2013 / 2016. ( function checked: .docx, .xlsx, .pptx )

*2: Note that exclusive operation is not available when the same file is trying to be editted simultaneously by multiple users.

You can use either Japanese or English as you like, when its installing or using, but please note that its manual is written in Japanese only, and also its Terms of use showing during its installing in Japanese only.

VEGA is free software, then we will not accept any compensation for damages, including malfunctions.

To get VEGA installer file and its manual, please contact support@vg-sync.jp in Japanese or English.

If you would like to know about VG-Sync 2 Cloud Storage Free version, please see https://vg-sync.jp/en .

  • 【開発元 / 運営会社】株式会社ソフトエイジェンシー (※ISO27001 認証取得企業)
  • 【TEL】 050-5505-5509
  • 【受付時間】 9:30~12:00, 13:00~17:00 (土日祝、および年末年始を除く)
  • 【URL】 http://www.softagency.co.jp/
  • ※ISO27001は、情報セキュリティマネジメントシステム(ISMS)の国際規格です。